Hannah Claus biography
Artist website: https://www.hannahclaus.net
Hannah Claus Canadian Art
Artist draws inspiration from Haudenosaunee beadwork for McCord Museum residency CBC
HANNAH CLAUS there’s a reason for our connection McCord Museum
“there’s a reason for our connection”- Hannah Claus at the McCord Art Critique
“a reason for our connection” Hannah Claus’ Exhibit at the McCord Museum The McGill Daily
Rita Letendre and Hannah Claus Receive $25K Eiteljorg Fellowships Canadian Art
Hannah Claus Residency: hochelaga rock The Initiative for Indigenous Futures
Hannah Claus is a visual artist of English and Kanien’kehà:ka/Mohawk ancestries. Claus’ artworks emphasize an Indigenous worldview, and often reference sky, earth, and water. For this exhibition, Claus explores trade and treaties. Through videos, sculptures, and two-dimensional works, Claus asks viewers to consider our connections with each other, and the responsibilities we have to the world around us.
Hannah Claus is a member of the Tyendinaga - Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. She has been based in Tioh'tià:ke - Montreal, Quebec since 2001. She is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design in 1997 and obtained an MFA from Concordia University in 2004. Claus’ artwork has exhibited internationally, and is included in various public collections. Clause teaches contemporary Indigenous art as a sessional lecturer at Kiuna, a First Nations post-secondary institution, in Odanak, Quebec.
Hannah Claus, our minds are one, 2014, mixed media. Photo: courtesy of the artist. Collection of the National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux arts du Canada.