Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Hannah Claus, fancy dance shawl for Sky Woman, 2019. mixed media.

fancy dance shawl for Sky Woman, 2019, mixed media.
Hannah Claus, fancy dance shawl for Sky Woman, 2019, mixed media.

Hannah Claus, fancy dance shawl for Sky Woman, 2019. mixed media.

Hannah Claus, fancy dance shawl for Sky Woman (detail), 2019. mixed media.

Hannah Claus, everlasting, 2015. Video projection on double-matte reprography film, thread.

Hannah Claus, all this was once covered in water, 2017. Video. Photo: courtesy of the artist.

Hannah Claus, all this was once covered in water (detail), 2017. Video.

Hannah Claus, invaders, 2019. silver plated steel pins, wool blankets.

Installation view

Hannah Claus, trade is ceremony, 2019. copper headpins, wool blankets.

Hannah Claus, trade is ceremony, 2019. grey wool blankets. Photo: courtesy of the artist.

Installation view

Hannah Claus, studies, 2019, beeswax.

Hannah Claus, studies, 2019, beeswax.

Hannah Claus, the route that ocicâhk preferred, 2017. Prints.

Hannah Claus, the route that ocicâhk preferred, 2017. Prints.

Hannah Claus, the route that ocicâhk preferred, 2017. Prints. Photo: courtesy of the artist.